Monday, March 23, 2009
Did facebook change its layout AGAIN?
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Big Love

I absolutely love the HBO show “Big Love.” I LOVE it. And it’s not even a guilty pleasure like nip/tuck or I love money. The only reason

Margene: Bill’s third wife. She’s really young and “perky” and often the only optimistic one of the bunch. I think she converted to the religion cuz supposedly she was a rebel in her youth and didn’t really have a family. Anyways, she’s really adorable.
Well, anyways the show is awesome and possibly the best show …ever. I just wish it was more than an hour long each week. Yes, I know I sound
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Vicious Circle of Love

Throughout those years, I, like most, wanted to be popular. But I never succeeded. I never dated, never drank, never did anything “harmful.” I was odd because even though I had every opportunity to do said harmful things, I didn’t act upon them. Whenever my family and I went to any dinner parties, I would always stay close to my mom and never approach the other girls in my age group huddled together sharing stories of romantic forays and gossip about the girls not in attendance. Often one of the mothers of those girls would attempt to get me to join the other girls and I, being a nice girl, would oblige. I would make an appearance, sit a few minutes in an attempt to bond, then excuse myself to get a drink and make my way back to my mom. I guess, how odd of me.
One thing, however, which wasn’t odd of me was to dabble in love. Ah! Love! Love for a young soul is fuel to live the day. Love is what makes you start using mascara (clear mascara, of course) and lip gloss. Love is the reason you don’t miss school and rush home to get on the internet.
In the many loves one has in their youth (and each love you think is “the one”) you begin to consider less and less the opinions and advice of those older than you. Why, no adult would ever understand this love of mine. No adult would ever be able to understand how good of a guy he really is. How dare they try to advise me!
What’s peculiar to me about this is that even though I deemed myself a good girl and a smart girl, I felt I knew better about love than those who would try to advice me. The adults would include daughters of family friends who I grew up with and trusted with secrets and an occasional older sister. I knew better, of course. No one was going to stop me from loving who I wanted to love. However, now I think back to that time and consider myself rather stupid and thickheaded for not accepting and implementing advice of those older than myself. But such is the mind of a young soul.
So now I’ve come across a threshold. Now I have younger sisters of my own who stand now at the very spot I stood on years ago. And I am now the adult character who advises the love-struck youth. Will she listen? Will she understand? Nope. Why? Because she knows the secrets to the universe. She knows that she loves truly and purely and that it is reciprocated. Who am I to think I even know an ounce of her love.
And so cometh the new generation of lovers and goeth the wisdom of lovers past.
"Desi" Party

Sunday, March 15, 2009
My friends are few and spaced between

A choraha is a meeting or gathering place in small villages in countries like Pakistan. It's usually an informal setting: a couple of chairs, maybe some straw beds to lounge in, and a smoking pipe accompanied with some snacks. Mostly the town elders or the household men gather in these chorahas every evening or so and discuss events, the latest news, and any social matter. Back in Miami, my friends and I used to have our own chorahas here or there, now that we're all separated and miles apart, I've decided to make this blog as a way of keeping that choraha alive. So grab a chair and take part in our Amreeki Choraha - American Choraha.
First and foremost is India. I made friends with India in 2007. India speaks fluent French and I'm exposed to it everytime I log onto facebook (seriously, India, you can write some posts in English too!) We solidified our friendship in Morocco on a journey we were sent on to learn Arabic…pfftt learn Arabic. India has a certain coolness about her and no matter what is troubling you, she’s there to listen and help you with your stupid problems and ideas. She is the only friend who has joined me in “The Married Club” and we’re living two time zones apart now! India moved to Los Angeles.
Jameelah is my first university friend who I met circa second week of freshman year. She is a strong-minded, silent but deadly type. She keeps quiet and can kill you and your weak opinions with one strike of her confident and thorough answers. Her on-campus apartment was the scene of many-a-sheesha’d discussions. She is very hospitable and very hard to reach through a phone. (Dude, why do you have a cell phone if you don’t pick it up?!) She makes a mean lasagna, though. Jameelah is currently in the northeast.
I met Carlos sophomore year. Carlos is the friend every girl (every cool girl) needs. He’s a party all by himself; set up a couple of chairs, some ginger ale, a sandwich, and the Frenchest dessert and you lack nothing if you have Carlos there. He is a walking culinary encyclopedia and will give you the era by era history of the cheese you just ate and why it’s not posh enough. (oh Carlos, how I miss thee). Carlos stayed back in Miami. Although Carlos was a great friend during my years that I knew him, our friendship couldn't stand the test of time. I wish you well wherever you are Carlos, and I hope one day in the future we can pick up where we left off.
India is my co-author on this blog and on Amreeki World Adventures. Prior to my figuring out how to add another author on blogger, India posted from my account which is why all the first 88 posts show only Baji as the author. Anyways now India is an official co-author and she will be posting as Zarga.
As for Jameelah and Carlos, well, Jameelah is a hermit and hates "putting herself out there" so I just force things out of her: like the banana bread recipe! And Carlos wrote a couple of posts in the first few months such as the Desi Party he went to and Hairstyles in Miami.
Oh and me. Well I'll be known to you all as Baji. What's a Baji, you ask? Well a Baji is a big sister, usually younger siblings will refer to the elder sisters as Baji and even strangers will refer to older women as Baji (I'm not old, I swear.) So you guessed it, I have younger siblings (both beautiful young ladies, Mash'Allah) who call me Baji and to add more pudding to the pie that is my life, ALL OF MY DAD'S FRIENDS call me Baji. (sigh) I don't know why they do, but till this day I have men in their 40s and 50s (well only men that are my dad's friends) call me Baji. So ta-da! Also, I'm married to a wonderful man (Alhumdulillah) and apparently now he, too, has a blog (what's next? my grandmother in Karachi starting a blog, too?) Anyways, in real life I call my husband Poops, so it's only natural I use Poops when writing about him. Poops and I live in/near Chicago.