Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The Growing Illiteracy Rate in Iraq

Salam alaykoum!

I was watching the news on Mosaic Link TV, and there was a story from Dubai TV about the growing illiteracy rate in Baghdad and other parts of Iraq. There are about 5 million people, most of them young girls, that are illiterate. What's worse is that this number is growing! The state has been trying to set up programs for the the illiterate youth, especially in remote villages. The major contributing factor to growing illiteracy rate, is the ongoing violence that has plagued Iraq; many children have stopped going to school for fear that they may get killed on their way to school. Plus most schools are far from many rural villages.

Now what upsets me the most about this, is that Baghdad was once the center of knowledge for medicine, science, philosophy, literature, and religion! Now because of the West's (AMERICA!) intervention in Iraq, the Iraqi youth, the future, is scared to go to school, and do not even have the basics, reading and writing, as a foundation for their future.

The Muslim Ummah, nations, kingdoms, and republics, need to come together to end this control that Western countries have over OUR Islamic lands. I know I may sounds like a fanatic, radical, whatever, but it hurts me to see that OUR UMMAH, has lost so much power. There are about 57 muslim countries, why can't they just come together and form this Islamic Alliance that has been trying to come to life?? Why must Islamic countries wait for the West's approval?? Now I'm not even going to start talking about Saudi Arabia, because that would be a whole other post!

My opinion about Iraq under Saddam has not changed, it has only been reaffirmed! Now before I go and talk about it some people might take this completely out of proportion and not understand where I'm coming from. Here goes... lol... I believe Iraq was a better nation under Saddam, now of course there were many things that Saddam did that were evil, especially to the Kurds, but he loved his country, its history, and culture. When Saddam was in power, women were more liberated than they are now! (By liberated I mean free to get an education) Under Saddam, schools, universities were filled with female students, they were even more women than men in some schools. Education was strongly promoted under Saddam. I'm not saying that Iraq was a harmonious state, but at least it had its pride! Illiteracy was practically unheard of! Since 2003, the Iraq youth has lost its right to be able to go to school safely, especially young girls who can't even leave their homes without fear of being raped by US SOLDIERS. The youth has become scared to go to school. I truly believe that if Saddam were still alive and in power he would have been one of the main leaders to push for an Islamic Alliance, and many other Muslim nations would have followed suit, instead of bowing down to the US like may countries are doing today.

Maybe I'm getting a bit carried away, but I am truly tired of the hypocrasy of so called "Muslim Nations". Why must our Muslim leaders compromise and sell themselves short, for what? For the US's approval?? Now not all leaders are like this, the ones that stand up and challenge the US are part of the Axis of Evil lol. It's just so ridiculous, the paranoia and Islamphobia that has taken over America.

Well I know I went way of topic, and made many grammatical errors, but I just had to let that out:)


Monday, May 25, 2009

"The Arrivals"

So, this Memorial Weekend was pretty boring for me. I had the day off, but because of my current economic crisis I couldn't do much! lol Noo I'm just being dramatic, Hamdoulillah I have my health, food, and a roof over my head!

Anyways, I was on Youtube looking for interesting things, and I came across a series called "The Arrivals". It basically goes into depth of how Western governments and Media are all part of the Dajjal controlled system a.k.a the Masonic World Order. The series is pretty long, so I just posted up the 3 videos that I found interesting;

The Arrivals pt. 15 (Hollywood & The Promised Land)

The Arrivals pt. 16 (The Media & Islam)

The Arrivals pt. 17 (War on Terror)

Now just a side note, Part 16 about the media in France, is NOT an exaggeration! The comedian Dieudonne was really banned form French TV!


Posted By INDIA

The Lumpy Thigh Nighmare!!

I was reading this article on the MSN Health and Fitness section, about "Lumpy, Bumpy Thighs, How to Wipe out Cellulite", naturally this caught my eye! Come on lets just admit it, most women have cellulite, and yes I do too!! That felt sooo liberating! I mean if Kim Kardashian can admit that SHE has cellulite, let's all be open about it.

Ok back to this article, so before I started reading it I was HOPING that they would give tips on what foods to eat or a miracle cream that would wipe away the lumps lol. Unfortunately, none of that was in the article. Sadly, the only solution is exercise grrrr. I've been avoiding that word for so long, but now I've come to grips with the reality that it really is the only solution:( Now I'm sure others can relate, it's pretty hard to get motivated when you've never really been ACTIVE most of your life!

What I like about the article is that it gives you an exact plan of attack, but I don't know about all that running that they're talking about!! lol. Anyways, I've decided that I will begin following this plan, so that my husband won't ask me again, "What's that on your thigh?". But to start, or maybe for the whole plan, I'll substitute the running with INTENSE walking!

So here's the article, I didn't put the whole article, but just the important tips. Also. there are some good exercise tips for those hard to tone areas, butts, thighs, inner thighs, etc...For those of you who are like me I feel your pain, but we are strong women and we can do this :)

Wipe Out Cellulite

A slew of new ingredients and formulas to help.

By Allison Winn Scotch, Prevention

Last year, American women spent nearly $100 million on creams, lotions, and other topical treatments in hopes of eradicating cellulite from our thighs and butts. We're going to make a wild guess that very few of those products worked as well as you'd hoped. That's because, despite its infamy, cellulite is just plain old fat (albeit dressed up in slightly more offensive attire), and a key to minimizing it is to drop pounds, according to a 2006 study published in the journal Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.

But how you lose weight matters: Crash dieting can make cellulite worse by reducing skin's elasticity, making more of those little puckers noticeable. Gradual weight loss (to better preserve skin's suppleness and reduce fat) accompanied by targeted muscle development, which firms and smooths underlying tissue, is the most effective cellulite solution, says Glynis Ablon, M.D., an assistant clinical professor of dermatology at UCLA.

When Wayne Westcott, Ph.D., co-author of No More Cellulite (Perigee, 2003), tested such a strategy on 115 women, all of them reported a reduction in cellulite appearance at the end of 8 weeks, and ultrasound measurements confirmed a higher proportion of muscle to fat in their thigh areas.

Now, it's your turn. This comprehensive exercise and eating plan—based on Westcott's findings—will burn fat, build muscle, and shed pounds safely. We know it's not as easy as applying a cream. But it's more effective. See for yourself

Your plan at a glance

Part 1: Burn off cellulite (five days a week)

Blast fat with two types of cardio routines: Intense Workouts (an interval program that builds from fitness walks to calorie-blasting runs) and Moderate Workouts (any aerobic activity you enjoy).

Part 2: Tone, smooth, and firm (three days a week)

Tone your muscles by doing six strengthening moves. (Take a day off between these workouts.)

  • Weeks 1-2: Do one set of 12 repetitions of each exercise.
  • Weeks 3-4: Repeat the circuit twice so you're doing two sets of each exercise.
  • Weeks 5-8: Repeat the circuit three times, so you're doing three sets of each exercise. On the third set, instead of holding each move, pulse for three counts by lifting and lowering a few inches before returning to the start position.


Week 1

  • Intense workouts (three days a week)
  • Brisk walk interval, two minutes; run interval*, one minute
  • Number of intervals: 10
  • Total workout (five-minute warm-up, five-minute cool-down included): 40 minutes
  • Moderate workouts (two days a week)
  • You choose: walking, swimming, or cycling, 40 minutes

Week 2

  • Intense workouts (three days a week)
  • Brisk walk interval, one minute; run interval*, one minute
  • Number of intervals: 15
  • Total workout (five-minute warm-up, five-minute cool-down included): 40 minutes
  • Moderate workouts (two days a week)
  • You choose: Walking, swimming, or cycling: 40 minutes

Week 3

  • Intense workouts (three days a week)
  • Brisk walk interval, one minute; run interval*, two minutes
  • Number of intervals: 10
  • Total workout (five-minute warm-up, five-minute cool-down included): 40 minutes
  • Moderate workouts (two days a week)
  • You choose: Walking, swimming, or cycling: 40 minutes

Week 4

  • Intense workouts (three days a week)
  • Brisk walk interval, one minute; run interval*, four minutes
  • Number of intervals: Seven
  • Total workout (five-minute warm-up, five-minute cool-down included): 45 minutes
  • Moderate workouts (two days a week)
  • You choose: Walking, swimming, or cycling: 40 minutes

Week 5

  • Intense workouts (three days a week)
  • Brisk walk interval, one minute; run interval*, six minutes
  • Number of intervals: Five
  • Total workout (five-minute warm-up, five-minute cool-down included): 45 minutes
  • Moderate workouts (two days a week)
  • You choose: Walking, swimming, or cycling: 40 minutes

Week 6

  • Intense workouts (three days a week)
  • Brisk walk interval, one minute run interval*, seven minutes
  • Number of intervals: Four
  • Total workout (five-minute warm-up, five-minute cool-down included): 42 minutes
  • Moderate workouts (two days a week)
  • You choose: Walking, swimming, or cycling: 40 minutes

Week 7

  • Intense workouts (three days a week)
  • Brisk walk interval, one minute; run interval*, eight minutes
  • Number of intervals: Four
  • Total workout (five-minute warm-up, five-minute cool-down included): 46 minutes
  • Moderate workouts (two days a week)
  • You choose: Walking, swimming, or cycling: 40 minutes

Week 8

  • Intense workouts (three days a week)
  • Brisk walk interval, one minute; run interval*, nine minutes
  • Number of intervals: Three
  • Total workout (five-minute warm-up, five-minute cool-down included): 40 minutes
  • Moderate workouts (two days a week)
  • You choose: Walking, swimming, or cycling: 40 minutes

*If you have joint problems, you can substitute fast walking for running.

CONTINUED: Part 2: Tone, Smooth and Firm

1. Squat Kickback

Stand with feet together, toes pointing forward, and arms bent at sides.

Bend knees and hips into a squat, as if you were sitting in a chair (A), and hold for three counts.

As you rise, press right leg back and squeeze glutes (B). Hold for one count, then lower. Switch legs after each set.

Make it easier: Don't squat as deeply, and keep toes on floor when pressing back.

2. Curtsy and Kick

Stand with feet together, hands on hips.

Step right foot behind left leg and bend knees until left thigh is almost parallel to floor (A). Keep left knee over ankle. Hold for three counts.

As you stand back up, kick right leg out to side before doing another curtsy (B). Switch legs after each set.

Make it easier: Skip the kick and bring feet together between each curtsy.

3. PliƩ Sweep

Stand with feet wide apart, toes pointing out, and hands on hips.

Keeping back straight and abs tight, tuck tailbone and bend knees, lowering until thighs are almost parallel to floor. Hold for three counts.

As you stand up, sweep left leg across body, as if you're kicking a soccer ball. Switch legs after each set.

Make it easier: Eliminate the leg sweep.

4. Glute Squeeze

Lie on floor with knees bent, feet beneath knees and hip-width apart.

Keeping hips level and abs tight, press into heels and squeeze glutes, lifting hips to form a bridge.

Lower hips halfway to floor for two counts, then press back up. (Instead of pulses on your third set, do a Hip Rock: In bridge position, squeeze left buttocks and lift left hip. Repeat on right side. That's one rep.)

Make it easier: Lower hips to floor between reps.

5. Bun Burner

Get on all fours, with hands beneath shoulders, knees beneath hips, and abs tight. Extend right leg behind you so it's in line with back, toes pointed and hips square to floor.

Pull knee into chest (A), contracting abs, and extend leg back out 12 times.

Next, extend right leg and pulse, lifting and lowering a few inches, 12 times. Then bend right leg so sole of foot faces ceiling and pulse 12 times. That's one set.

Repeat with left leg. (No need to add additional pulses when you progress to three sets.)

Make it easier: Place forearms on floor.

6. Pass-Through Lunges

Stand with feet together, hands on hips. Step right foot forward 2 to 3 feet and bend knees, lowering until right thigh is parallel to floor. Keep right knee over ankle. Hold for one count.

In one swift movement, press off right foot and bring it behind you. (Left foot doesn't move.) Lower into another lunge so left thigh is parallel to floor, holding for one count.

Continue passing right foot through into a front then a back lunge without bringing feet together. Switch legs after each set.

Make it easier: Rather than pushing through from front to back in one swift movement, bring feet together before going into back lunge.


Thursday, May 21, 2009

Algerian (Kabyle) Music Videos

Ahh Kabyle Music Videos! They never change, always the same backgrounds (either on the beach or in the mountains) themes (the guy singing to the girl, who acts like she doesn't want him, but she knows she really does!), and of course the dancing! It's amazing how they dance, well the women, it's like the bottom portion of their bodies are machines that just never get tired! But I have to admit that the way men dance is kind awky (wow I haven't used this word since middle school, it means akward incase people are not aware).

So here's the most common music clip,guy -singing- to- girl -acting -like -she -doesnt -want- him-but -she- knows -she -does, ahhh someone ends up hurt in these music videos, but she ends up liking him again lol

Here's more of a fun song this ones funny, it look like the singer is trying to be cool o and there's even some hoochie mamas lol

News From the Middle East

Here is a link to Mosaic News. Its a website and I think they also have a channel on direct Tv and dish network. They show clips from various news stations in the Middle East. Everyday there are new news clips, each showing lasts about 30 minutes. I like this program because it's a change from the same stuff we always see on CNN or Fox News. Plus the creator, Jamal Dajani, usually gives a critique at the end, sometimes he can be sarcastic, but I like it!

Here's todays news,

and the link to the website....


My First Post!

Salam! Well this is my first post. I can't fall asleep so I decide to post some things up that interest me and that others might find interesting.


Monday, May 18, 2009

Muslim? Want to scare non-Muslims? Well have a baby!

Haha...I say we should scare the narrator guy some more and let him make a new video in 10years. Friggin hillarious

Friday, May 15, 2009

Palestinos de Espana

This was taken in Madrid by moi

Can be found worn by much of the youth in Spain. Yes, we also bought ...(sigh) palestinos.

Mini Cupcakes for Mommy

These were supposed to be for my mommy for her birthday but I made them before I realized I had no legitimate way of shipping them to her. Oh well... they still fed the not-so-hungry (you know who you are.)

Lovely Sundays

One of the things that make a Sunday so great :-)

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Jaaaadooo jaaaadoooo

So today I was randomly on facebook and decided to actually check out some photos that the news feed tells me have been uploaded by people I haven't spoken to in months possibly years. So I was checking out this one friend's pics and all of a sudden someone special popped into some of her pics. Now by special I dont mean anything special. I just mean that special person was an inside joke for me and some close friends.

So I've decided to tell the inside joke:

I think it was just me and Carlos and we were sitting in GC (the student union in our university) and just having our usual everyday chit chats with food (food or some sort of nicotine was always involved) and then I spotted a tall lanky Indian fobby looking guy walking from one end to the other of GC. And I said to Carlos, jeepers he totally looks like the character Hrithik Roshan plays in that movie, what was that movie? And Carlos blurts out omg he's jadoo. HAHAHAHAHA

So the story is that Hrithik Roshan who is totally handsome and a hunk plays a guy who has the mind of an 8 yr old or something of the sort (I never actually saw the movie) and then there's some ET sort of stuff involved in the movie blah blah. Anyways jadoo (which means magic) is I think the name of the alien but is also a song in the movie. So jadoo became the name of that Indian boy (for us at least.)
sigh. memories!
so here's some pics of "jadoo" even though when we called the indian boy jadoo we meant that he looked like hrithik's character ok u get the point.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Have a Laugh 3

ha ha